Beautiful daughter
A precious little flower
that is in constant bloom
I watch as yet another milestone
around the corner looms.
that is in constant bloom
I watch as yet another milestone
around the corner looms.
It seems like only yesterday
that we shared a breath
but now it seems like tomorrow
you will leave and I'll be left.
that we shared a breath
but now it seems like tomorrow
you will leave and I'll be left.
A tiny little angel
that always is in flight
as soon as you came into my life
you brought me so much light.
that always is in flight
as soon as you came into my life
you brought me so much light.
Your beauty is so stunning
your smile makes me melt
I'm so proud to be your mommy
It's the best I've ever felt.
your smile makes me melt
I'm so proud to be your mommy
It's the best I've ever felt.
Oh perfect little princess
with you I'm so in love
every night before I dream
I thank the lord above.
with you I'm so in love
every night before I dream
I thank the lord above.
How did I get so lucky
to have as sweet of a gift as you
If ever you should need me
there's nothing I wouldn't do.
to have as sweet of a gift as you
If ever you should need me
there's nothing I wouldn't do.
Love from your mummy
1 kommentar:
Det var en vakker dikt til en datter som er på andre siden av kloden.
Håper hun kommer hjem snart.
Håper det er bra med deg og.
Det var lenge sen.
Har du fått våren på möre?
Lurer litt, for her er den ikkje hihi.
Men den kommer sikkert når tåka blir borte. Det er så hvitt ute nå og eg er ikkje sikker på om det er snö eller tåke.
Men ser vi nok snart.
Ha nå ei koslig helg.
Klems Synnöve.
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